Lost All Money Gambling Reddit

  1. Lost Money Sports Betting Reddit
  2. Lost All My Money Gambling Reddit
  3. Lost All Money Gambling Reddit Money
  4. Lost All Money Gambling Reddit Games

Daily fantasy sports are especially good at tricking you into thinking you are winning money, when in fact, you are losing. Gambling’s Impact on Family and Friends. A gambling addiction affects more than just the gambler. The money lost at the casino could have gone to bills and to provide for a family. This summer, Dennis Cao logged on to Reddit with some big news to share: He had just lost more than $180,000. A few days before, the 24-year-old software engineer had gone onto a popular section of the site known as /r/wallstreetbets to claim he had just placed an enormous wager on several technology stocks, shortly before they would release their quarterly earnings. Gambling was an escape for me. It was a place I would go to when reality was too hard to bear. Reality was especially hard when I had lost a lot of money. I thought I could win it all back and it.

I've just lost over £65000 through sports betting in the recent built up, i have maybe around £10000 or little over, i recovered over £50000 last year and just this month i ended up losing back 50000 plus another 15000, i dont know how to deal with these losses, i want to get over it but its almost impossible. my head is spinning out of control and im feeling sick every moment of my life now. I dont know if i can tell my parents i've lost this much money because it would be a burden to them! should i be telling my parents about my huge loss? i don't want to commit suicide either because it would burden them also, i need any advice which would help, i want to avoid gambling ever again because its making me sick and been a waste of my life in the past year. Hi Guys,Money

Lost Money Sports Betting Reddit

I seriously need help as I've been gambling over the last 10 years. It all started of like many others betting $100-200 at the casino and now I am doing $2,000 a spin on roulette.
I am sick of tired of this behavior. I've tried to quit so many time but the losses are too big for me to totally give up. I seriously don't know what to do. I did attended GA meeting a few time but it doesn't seem to help. Even attending these meeting I ended up lying to the counselor.

Lost All My Money Gambling Reddit

The last 3 years I have built a successful business but now the cookie seem to crumble as I've been taking business money out for gambling. The problem here is the business has high taking but the outgoing is a lot too. I am blinded when using the money now and not be able to cover my expenses when end of the months comes around.Lost money sports betting reddit
This week alone Day 1... won 5k. Day 2 lost 10k and Day 3 lost 17k. I am on the brink of breaking apart. I got no sense of money value here.

Lost All Money Gambling Reddit Money

What breaks my heart the most is every morning, my wife (married for 1 year) wakes up early for work and she only earns 200-250 a day max. Here I am throwing money like an idiot. The current mess is so big now I am affair to tell her as this will 100% break our marriage. There is 5% I can cover all of this if everything stop at this instant.
But on the other hand my head keep saying DO NOT give up and beat the casino/sportsbet again. For example I keep thinking all I need is to obtain large sum of money to make MORE money. Reddit

Lost All Money Gambling Reddit Games

AllI'm scared at this age I don't stop it will get worst. The numbers will just increase no matter how much money I earn. And if the stake is too high then the life might be on the line.
Jack - Australia.