Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy

  1. Can hypnotherapy help you stop gambling Hypnotherapy has helped dozens of people in Reading to stop gambling. You could be the next one. You’ll need to be resolved to do so. Half-measures such as cutting it down simply won’t do. If you simply stop then perhaps you’ll never have to explain why you gambled it.
  2. Hypnotherapy for gambling addiction is considered the best treatment for gambling addictions because it teaches a patient how to manage their urges and how to keep going long after the sessions are stopped. Hypnotherapy for gambling addiction in Philadelphia.

Their behaviours do not match their desperate desire to stop gambling. They want to stop, but it feels impossible to do so. This is because addictions live deep in the unconscious, irrational mind. Through hypnotherapy, we can start to match the desires in the unconscious mind, with the goals of the conscious mind. Fundamentally changing how. Hypnosis for Gambling Addictions For those individuals that suffer from a Gambling Addiction, chasing losses creates more stress and more a craving to gamble. It is a never ending cycle of doom and gloom. For the casinos it is a licence to print money at the expense of those with a gambling addiction and at the expense of their family.

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy Training

  • Exclusive Recording by Barrie St John!
  • Choice of CD and/or Instant Download!
  • A Professionally Mastered Recording!
  • Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques!
  • Includes Relaxing 3D Vocal Effects!
  • Hypnotic Background Music!
  • 90-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Self Hypnosis CD / MP3 Download

Use self hypnosis to think like a non-gambler!

No one but a gambler can understand the thrills of the highs and the emptiness of the lows. It is a ride unlike any other and just like a roller coaster, gambling is filled with thrills and surprises. The problem with this roller coaster ride is that it will always run out of track eventually. When it does, you crash into devastation.

No one is born a gambler. But whatever form of gambling you are addicted to, it is not always easy to just up and quit. Many have walked that path, but the thrill of the bet so often lures them back to the action. Friends and family may try to help you, but they probably don’t understand what drives your need or how to address your gambling problem effectively. Maybe even you don’t fully understand why you gamble?

The truth is that gambling is about feelings – and you struggled in the past to control your actions because those feelings took over. The solution to your gambling woes is to work on those feelings. As with any addiction, a psychological approach is needed. We can all make changes that give us a better life and you can start this process today with the help of self hypnosis. You can change the way you think and feel about the whole concept of gambling.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Feel totally calm and in control!
  • Enjoy greater financial freedom!
  • Earn the respect of family and friends!

This self hypnosis audio program has been designed to help you ‘program’ your subconscious mind so that you begin to think and act like a non-gambler. This recording includes a variety of advanced hypnotherapy techniques that can help the rational part of your brain regain control and reduce the effect of the emotional part of your brain, to help guide you to freedom.

Hypnosis is not a miracle cure for anything and we do not suggest that this hypnotherapy CD / MP3 download can make your gambling problem go away overnight. But by listening regularly to this audio program you will be giving yourself a wonderful opportunity to develop the mindset needed to achieve success and to break free from gambling for good!

Start to win in life with the help of self hypnosis!

Disclaimer: Please remember that everybody is different and therefore results and response times do vary from person to person.
You can now choose to download directly with our Smart Session app after you order (via our website), for greater choice and more control over how you listen.
We are so confident that you'll like this self hypnosis MP3 download that we're willing to offer you a 90 day money back guarantee (terms apply). Order from us in complete confidence!

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  • Huge Choice of Exclusive Recordings!
  • By Leading Hypnotherapy Educators!
  • Produced to the Highest Standards!
  • Using the Best Possible Techniques!
  • Trusted Online for Over 16 Years!

With an emphasis on quality, we strive to create, develop and produce the best self hypnosis audio programs we possibly can. Our professionally produced, life-enhancing recordings are authored by our team of vocally talented hypnotherapists – and supported by our hugely experienced script writers, who have a combined 75+ years of experience in the field of hypnotherapy.


This Gambler backed a Winner!

Posted: Saturday, December 22, 2012

The only phone call I got yesterday (it goes a bit quiet as Christmas gets this close) was from a client I saw two months ago who just wanted to give me an update. This guy owns a coffee shop in London and you might wonder why he came all the way up to Manchester to see me about his gambling habit when they have hypnotherapists down there too! The answer is, he liked what I'd written on the website about gambling and decided to have a day out on the train.

The Gambling Session

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The fact is, I like doing the Quit Gambling session. I enjoy most sessions but I particularly like doing that one. Gamblers can end up very miserable indeed, and often I am not only saving the gambler money by shutting down that habit but saving their relationship, their marriage, their family life and saving them from losing their home. And I do that in a way which leaves them feeling much better about themselves, too - so it begins the process of rebuilding self-esteem.

The chappie who came up from London, though, he didn't lack self-esteem. He was doing okay with his coffee shop, and the money he was losing was his - he could 'afford' to lose it. He also clearly enjoyed the racing scene, and I remember he commented during the session that although he wanted to stop gambling he didn't want to give up studying the gee-gees entirely, just the bit that involved the cash. And I remember thinking: 'Huh? How's that going to work then?'

Preventing Relapses

We might assume that if you're going to quit something, it is best to avoid it wherever possible. This minimises the number of opportunities for relapse. With hypnosis we can fix relapses, so they're not a serious problem but they're best avoided, obviously. Having said that, when I shut down a cocaine or an alcohol habit I don't tell that person to avoid the pub. With smokers, I tell them to go with their mates on the smoke break, have a chat, don't miss out on the company. And of course, you cannot walk down any high street without passing a betting shop. So avoidance isn't really an option anyway.

How Hypnotherapy Works

What we get rid of, with hypnotherapy, is the impulse to act. The urge to ask for the cigarette, to buy the cocaine, to place the bet. The craving system prompts all these compulsive-habitual behaviours, and the Subconscious controls the craving system. So we ask for the impulse itself to be shut down, proving this is not truly an addiction but a compulsive habit controlled by the brain.

That is exactly what happened. I took my client's preference into account, and I drew a very clear distinction between studying the form and guessing which horse or jockey is going to win - which is a harmless game - and the involvement of money, which can lead to some very serious consequences and often does. I spent about an hour presenting these detailed explanations to the chappie's Subconscious mind.

The feedback? He reported that he never felt the impulse to place a bet since that day, but was still keenly interested in horse racing. He has friends who own racehorses, he likes going to the track. I asked how the coffee shop was going. '26% increase in turnover in the last two months' was the answer to that one - which proves that gambling had been more of a distraction than he was prepared to admit to himself at the time.

But the best bit, he said, was spending Christmas without the stress and anxiety of not having as much money as he should have, and hoping it didn't cause a row like it usually did. Instead he has more money than usual to spend during the festive period, and no stress or anxiety at all.

Does that sound like the sort of solution you need? Call now, on 0161-474 8120 or call/text 07748 838 644 any time, any day, including evenings & weekends. I'll be glad to help. Will it work?

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy Near Me

Consultant Hypnotherapist Chris Holmes is Director of Central Hypnotherapy and has been helping people from Stockport, Cheshire, Manchester and Tameside UK to stop gambling since August 2000

Stop Gambling Hypnosis Script

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